
Deities are listed by Race or Region in the tables below. There are other deities than those listed, but these are the ones the characters are likely to choose from.

The deities lists below use the expanded set of domains as outlined in the 5e rule changes on this site.

Deities of Daria and Gor'Fon

Ajun, god of murderCEblack daggerEvilTrickery
Clesia, goddess of stormsCNlightning boltTempestChaos
Dather, god of tradeLNship carrying scalesWaterTravel
Erasil, goddess of fertility and the harvestNGa plowGoodPlant
Igrun, god of justiceLGscales above a longswordLawWar
Imena, goddess of life and hearthNGear of corn surrounded by wheatLifeGood
Izborha, god of earth and skyNcloud above a triangleAirEarth
Jazjun, god of protection and lawLGwarhammer on a shieldLawProtection
Khyber, god of thieves and luckCNcircle of gold coinsLuckTrickery
Lovorr, goddess of deathNskeletal arm and handDeathLife
Modros, god of wild natureNgreen oak leafAnimalPlant
Nymes, god of the seas and riversCGthree horizontal wavy linesWaterChaos
Pideaus, god of tyrannyLEa closed, red, gauntletEvilLaw
Ratia, goddess of light and hopeCGcandle with a radiant coronaLightGood
Savena, goddess of knowledgeLNa feather quillKnowledgeTravel
Udon, god of warNa flaming swordWarDarkness
Uvione, goddess of the void and nightNEblack circleDarknessEvil
Yzna, goddess of undeath and diseaseNEskullEvilDeath
Zevana, goddess of magicNGa diamond with a broad line at top and bottomMagicLight

Deities of the Gor'Fon Tribal Peoples

Bear, the MotherNsymbolic bear pawAnimalProtection
Eagle, the Sky LordNeagle talon, eagle featherAirWar
Inqualla, the Witch of WinterCEthree vertical lines (icecicles)AirTempest
Wolf, the HunterNwolf teeth, 4 pairs of yellow eyesAnimalWar

Deities of Thrinn and Thrindaria

A'zi, the One Godn/atriangle with a small circle atopallall

Deities of the Dwarves

Abbathor, god of greedNEjeweled daggerEvilTrickery
Dumathion, god of secrets under the earthNfaceted gem inside a mountainEarthKnowledge
Haela Brightaxes, goddess of the hearthNGsword wrapped in spirals of flameGoodProtection
Laduguer, god of the DruegarLEbroken crossbow bolt on a shieldEvilLaw
Moradin, god of DwarvesLGhammer and anvilLawProtection
Thard Harr, god of huntingCGtwo crossed crossbow boltsAnimalPlant

Deities of the Elves

Aerdrie, goddess of the skies and stormsCGcloud with bird silhouetteAirTempest
Corellon, god of magic and ElvesCGstylized white starMagicChaos
Erevan, god of luck and trickeryCNstarburst with asymmetrical raysLuckTrickery
Hanali, goddess of the hearthCGgold heartGoodProtection
Solonor, god of war and forestsCGsilver arrow with green fletchingWarPlant

Deities of the Gnomes

Baervan, god of forests and travelNGstylized tree atop a hillPlantTravel
Baravar, god of protection and trickeryNGraccoon's faceProtectionTrickery
Callarduran, god of miningNGgold ring with start symbolEarthGood
Gaerdal, god of warLGiron handGoodWar
Garl, god of GnomesLGgold nuggetLawTrickery
Urdlen, god of greedCEwhite moleChaosEvil

Deities of the Halflings

Arvoveen, god of defense and warLGtwo short swordsProtectionWar
Brandobaris, god of HalflingsNHalfling's footprintLuckTravel
Urogalan, god of earth and deathLNsilhouette of a dog's headEarthDeath
Yondalla, goddess of hearth and homeLGcornucopia on a shieldGoodProtection

Deities of the Orcs

Gruumsh, god of OrcsCEunwinking eyeChaosWar
Shargass, god of trickeryCEred skullDarknessTrickery
Yurtrus, goddess of deathNEwhite hands on dark backgroundEvilDeath