Animal Domain

Deities of Animals represent beasts, insects and other living, unintelligent creatures associated with the natural world.

Animal Domain Spells

Cleric LevelSpells
1Animal Friendship, Speak with Animals
3Animal Messenger, Beast Sense
5Conjure Animals, Feign Death
7Dominate Beast, Giant Insect
9Insect Plague, Antilife Shell

Keen Senses
When you first choose this domain, you become proficient in the Perception skill if you are not already. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check made with this skill.

Channel Divinity: Aspect of the Beast
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to cast the Enhance Ability spell. This effect differs from the spell in the following ways: the spell must target you, duration is 10 minutes per cleric level up to a maximum of one hour and concentration is not required to maintain the spell’s effects.

Feature: 6th

Feature: 8th

Feature: 17th

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