
The 5E Player's Handbook provides a limited number of domains, too few to really make a broad or rich pantheon. To address this issue, the number of available domains is expanded from the seven listed in the Player's Handbook to the list provided below. Where a link is not provided, use the domain as listed in the Players Hadbook. Note that in some cases, several Deity Domains map to a single Cleric Domain. This is intentional, to allow deities to use a broader set of terms to describe their spheres of influence without littering the game with dozens of narrowly defined domains.

Special Note
The Death domain is described on page 96 of the Dungeon Masters Guide
The Nature domain as described in the Player's handbook is not used. Substitute one or more of the finer-grained natural domains below.
If a domain is listed in italics below, it is one of the standard domains listed in the Player's Handbook.

Deity Domain5e Domain Deity Domain5e Domain
AirAir MagicMagic
AnimalAnimal MoonDarkness
CavernEarth OceanWater
ChaosChaos PlantPlant
DarknessDarkness PortalTravel
DeathDeath ProtectionProtection
EarthEarth RenewalLife
EvilEvil SpellMagic
FireLight StormTempest
GoodGood SunLight
HealingLife TravelTravel
KnowledgeKnowledge TrickeryTrickery
LawLaw WarWar
LuckLuck WaterWater