Incapacitation And Death
The Death and Dying rules for Wild Card Characters (WCC) are too deadly and arbitrary for a high-action pulp game. Here are the new ones:
- A WCC is Conscious as long as he has 3 or fewer wounds.
- Should a WCC receive one or more wounds beyond 3, the character is now Unconscious and Dying. The character is treated as having four Wounds, though any checks made by the character are made with a -3 Wound modifier per the normal rules. The character drops whatever he or she is holding and falls prone. This may (or may not) cause the character to fall from a precarious position, or off a mount at the GM’s discretion.
- A Dying character is permitted no actions (including Hold, Delay or any other action) until he either dies or Recovers.
- A Dying character is dealt initiative cards normally and must act on the card dealt. If the character can receive 2 or more cards for any reason, the player may choose upon which card the character will act.
- The only action permitted to a Dying character is to make a Stabilization check. Until this check is made, the character is Dying.
- Stabilization check is made using either the character’s Spirit or Vigor whichever is lower and is subject to all normal rules regarding checks while injured, including Wound penalties.
- Failed Check increases the Bleed Out counter by 1. Should this counter equal the lower of the Dying character’s Spirit or Vigor die type, the character has died.
- Success or Raise on the Stabilization check means that the character is Stabilized. The character remains Unconscious and will eventually Recover.
- A successful Healing spell (but not First Aid as it is too slow) will automatically Stabilize the Dying character and heal the stated number of wounds. Since a successful Healing spell always heals at least one wound, the spell will also make the Stabilized character Conscious (albeit with 3 wounds on a simple success)
- Stabilized characters are no longer dying and need make no further checks.
- Stabilized characters return to consciousness upon receiving a successful First Aid skill, successful Healing Spell or in 1d4 hours if left to recover on their own.