The various choices for Lifestyles (PHB157) don't seem to have an effect on the game. The rules below address this.
Lifestyle | Cost per Day | Disease | Exhaustion | CHA-based Check Modifier |
Wretched | none | 15% (-3) | 50% (-3) | -4 |
Squalid | 1sp | 15% (-2) | 25% (-2) | -4 |
Poor | 2sp | 10% (-1) | 5% | -3 |
Modest | 1gp | 5% | 0% | 0 |
Comfortable | 2gp | 1% | 0% | +1 |
Wealthy | 4gp | 0% | 0% | +2 |
Aristocratic | 10gp+ | 0% | 0% | +3 |
Disease refers to the likelihood that the character contracts as disease (DMG256) at some point during the downtime. If a modifier is present, this modifier affects the saving throw of the character in addition to any other saving throw modifier. Disease in this case includes true diseases as well as general ill health, eating bad food and acquiring parasites.
Exhaustion refers to the likelihood that the character obtains 1 level of Exhaustion (PHB291) during the downtime. Check any time the character attempts to do something during downtime or as downtime ends. A CON save avoids this effect but is modified by the value shown in the table.
CHA-based modifier refers to the ability of the character to get a fair hearing from guards during a dispute, access restricted areas of the city, and otherwise interact with the townsfolk.