Gaining Experience

Changes and extensions to the OSE game rules
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Gaining Experience

  • XP is only awarded when the characters have reached a place of safety (like a town)

Treasure Recovered

  • Treasure removed from a dungeon or hidden place earns 1XP per SP recovered if and when it is brought to a place of safety
  • No XP is awarded for treasure stolen from merchants, acquired by selling gear of foes or the like
  • Retainers often receive at least a half a share of this kind of treasure (and earn XP from this gain)
  • Note that magic items do not generate XP for treasure (even if somehow sold)

Monsters Overcome

  • Monsters or foes slain or driven off award XP per their entry in the monster description
  • No XP is awarded for killing innocents or slaying creatures that are not a challenge
  • XP is sometimes awarded if monsters can be made friendly and turned into allies
  • Retainers receive a half share of this XP (never more or less)

Exploration Tags

  • When a PC first encounters a dangerous monster, place of power, important NPC or other such find, they can record the find as an "exploration tag"
  • An Exploration Tag is a word or brief phrase of the discovery (e.g. 'Lord Holherst', 'Blackmaw Orcs')
  • Each new tag is worth 50XP x the level of the character receiving the tag
  • Tags are not awarded for mundane creatures, normal NPCs or other common and expected things