OSE House Rules - Bard

Changes and extensions to the OSE Bard Class (Available in the OSE Advanced Fantasy Rules)
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Basic Information

Requirements: Minimum DEX and COMP 9
Alignment: True Neutral (see Below)
Hit Points at First Level: 6
Hit Dice: d6
Armour: Light or Medium armor, no shields
Weapons: One-handed weapons and all missile weapons
Starting Languages: Common
Bonus Language Choices: Any
Starting Gold: 3d6 x 10sp (minimum 60sp)
Starting Equipment: A lute or some other instrument

Spellcasting: Bards use the Druid spell list
Song of Clarity: See below
Enchanting Song: See below
Linguistics: Beginning at the 4th level and every even level thereafter, Bards can learn a new language. They may learn secret or specialized tongues, like Druidic, in this way
Bardic Lore: See below

Bards are wandering minstrels, tale-tellers, musicians, actors and poets. Their fervent devotion to deities of the wilderness, balance or to universal concepts like love and music set them apart from common musicians or entertainers. This devotion enables the Bard to magically influence or beguile their listeners as well as provides a small measure of their deity's power. Rulers are skeptical of Bards because Bards have the ill-manners to speak truth to power, may show disregard for the positions, titles and other trappings of civilization or politics, can mystically sway others to their point of view or may unpredictably side either for or against agents of Law and Chaos as it fits their inscrutable ends.

True Neutral Alignment

  • True Neutral is a special alignment and differs from the "Neutral" alignment discussed here
  • The Neutral alignment may be better described as "unaligned" as it is really just the absence of being strongly aligned to Law or Chaos - but the True Neutral Alignment differs substantially from this
  • True Neutral alignment is an "active" or even "militant" take on Neutrality. At its core, it represents divine-inspired or led attempts to prevent the goals of both Law and Chaos from coming to fruition
  • The divine leaders that strive for this agenda include deities that represent raw nature or wilderness, the natural order, balance, universal concepts like music, love or sexuality, the elements and other fundamental concepts that stand outside the battle between Law and Chaos
  • Like the other alignments, True Neutrality is defined by class, not by the character; there is no concept of "choosing a life of True Neutrality", it is something you are born with and choose to develop by following a deity that expounds these beliefs
  • Many might say that they believe or even support the tenants of the True Neutral gods, but few are so committed that they are blessed with a portion of these gods' divine power. These few are the True Neutrals whereas others, even ardent supporters of these ideals, are merely Neutral in alignment

Song of Clarity

  • By clearly playing their instrument, singing, reciting a poem or the like, the Bard can prevent the establishment of song-based magical effects and beguiling powers of sylvan (fey) creatures within 30 ft
  • Anyone already under the influence of these charms is granted a new Saving Throw with a +4 bonus

Enchanting Song

  • By playing their instrument, singing or the like, the Bard can fascinate subjects in a 30ft radius
  • This ability does not function in combat
  • Up to 2HD of creatures per Bard level are affected. The Bard may target a specific individual or group or determine those affected randomly
  • At 1st level, the Bard can fascinate persons (humans, demihumans and other sentient species not deemed Monsters). At 4th level, animals may be affected. At 7th level, monsters may be affected
  • Each subject must save vs Law or Chaos (whichever is more benificial to the target) or be fascinated:
    • Rapt: Fascinated subjects' attention is fully focused on the bard as long as it continues
    • Follow: Fascinated subjects will follow the Bard while they play or otherwise perform
    • Interruptions: Load noise, violence or the like ends this effect immediately
  • If the Bard performs for 1 Turn and the performance ends without interruption, fascinated subjects may be placed under a deeper charm:
    • Save: Such subjects are entitled to a second Saving Thorw with a +2 bonus or be charmed for 1 Turn per level of the Bard
    • Friendship: Charmed subjects regard the Bard as a trusted friend and ally and will defend the Bard
    • Commands: If they share a language, the subjects will obey the Bard's commands. Commands that are suicidal or that contradict the subject's alignment will be ignored

Bardic Lore

  • From 2nd level onward, Bards have a 2-in-6 chance of knowing lore pertaining to monsters, legends, magic items, heroes or other important persons, or folk-tales regarding a person, place or thing
  • This represents the Bard's ability to pick up miscellaneous information during their travels and the divine insights provided by their deity

When you have gained enough experience to increase your level, do the following:

  • Roll the number of Hit Dice per the table below, apply your PHYS modifier (if any) to each die rolled and compare the total to your current hit points. If your current hit points are less than the total, set your hit points to this new total. If your current hit points are equal to or more than the total you rolled, add 1 to your existing hit points.
  • The Referee will also roll one die matching your hit die. You may use this roll in place of one of your rolls if desired.
  • Roll to determine if any of your Ability Scores increase


  • A stronghold may be built or purchased any time sufficient funds are available
  • At 11th level and once a stronghold is established, the Bard will attract 2d6 Bardic students that have come to study under the master
  • Bardic strongholds are often called Colleges or Manors

Experience and Level Table

Level Experience Hit Points To-Hit Death Paralysis Breath Law Chaos Lvl 1 Lvl 2 Lvl 3 Lvl 4
1 0 6 +0 13 13 16 14 15 - - - -
2 2,000 2d6 +0 13 13 16 14 15 1 - - -
3 4,000 3d6 +0 13 13 16 14 15 2 - - -
4 8,000 4d6 +0 13 13 16 14 15 3 - - -
5 16,000 5d6 +2 12 11 14 13 13 3 1 - -
6 32,000 6d6 +2 12 11 14 13 13 3 2 - -
7 64,000 7d6 +2 12 11 14 13 13 3 3 - -
8 120,000 8d6 +2 12 11 14 13 13 3 3 1 -
9 240,000 9d6 +5 10 9 12 11 10 3 3 2 -
10 360,000 9d6+2* +5 10 9 12 11 10 3 3 3 -
11 480,000 9d8+4* +5 10 9 12 11 10 3 3 3 1
12 600,000 9d8+6* +5 10 9 12 11 10 3 3 3 2

* Modifiers from PHYS no longer apply